Winter is actually here, no denying it now and you have probably already decided whether to put the trusty steed snugly away for the winter or to keep riding on through. There will still be some great motorcycling days still, despite the season, but some days will just be non starters – let's not think about those in too much detail - just good old British weather!
If you have decided that discretion is the better part of valour and your motorcycle is planning to sleep the winter away in a nice cosy garage, shed or under a motorcycle cover, here are some ideas which might help you.
1. Clean Machine
Ok so you've logged some sunny miles on two wheels over the summer, but now it's time for your bike to have a bit of well earned R&R. The first thing to do is to check it carefully all over to see if it has had any minor damage over the summer. This time of year the roads are getting gritty and dirty, so inspect your bike, particularly the chain and cables for dirt and general crud and give everything a good clean, oiling where needed. There are plenty of specialised motorcycle cleaning products out there so choose the right cleaners for the job! It's good to check the Cush Drive Rubbers in the wheel hubs for wear and tear, as they are easy to replace and may save you a chain in the long run. Check things like the bulbs as well, to make sure that they are all working and if any need replacing, do it now so that you are ready to roll come the spring.
Cleaning Products
Fluids & Aerosols
Cush Drive Rubbers
Ok so you've logged some sunny miles on two wheels over the summer, but now it's time for your bike to have a bit of well earned R&R. The first thing to do is to check it carefully all over to see if it has had any minor damage over the summer. This time of year the roads are getting gritty and dirty, so inspect your bike, particularly the chain and cables for dirt and general crud and give everything a good clean, oiling where needed. There are plenty of specialised motorcycle cleaning products out there so choose the right cleaners for the job! It's good to check the Cush Drive Rubbers in the wheel hubs for wear and tear, as they are easy to replace and may save you a chain in the long run. Check things like the bulbs as well, to make sure that they are all working and if any need replacing, do it now so that you are ready to roll come the spring.
Cleaning Products
Fluids & Aerosols
Cush Drive Rubbers
2. Tyre Time
Check your tyres for sharp objects which might have got embedded in them during the year and give them a good clean. Look for patches of excessive wear too to make sure they are still in good condition – if you need new ones now is a good time to get them. Once you've established that they are ok, fully inflate them and make a note to check them regularly and re-inflate when necessary over the winter. It's a good idea to change the bike's position sometimes over the winter to distribute the weight onto different parts of the tyres while it is static. If you have a motorbike stand that's idea but if not then a wooden plank will keep the bike raised off the road and help preserve the integrity of the tyre rubber. A tyre gauge is always useful, so that you can keep a check on your tyre pressures.
Tyre Accessories
Check your tyres for sharp objects which might have got embedded in them during the year and give them a good clean. Look for patches of excessive wear too to make sure they are still in good condition – if you need new ones now is a good time to get them. Once you've established that they are ok, fully inflate them and make a note to check them regularly and re-inflate when necessary over the winter. It's a good idea to change the bike's position sometimes over the winter to distribute the weight onto different parts of the tyres while it is static. If you have a motorbike stand that's idea but if not then a wooden plank will keep the bike raised off the road and help preserve the integrity of the tyre rubber. A tyre gauge is always useful, so that you can keep a check on your tyre pressures.
Tyre Accessories
3. No Battery Blues
Remove your battery and give the terminals a good clean. If it's getting temperamental, invest in a new one. Batteries can be sensitive, like lizards, they like to live in warm dry places and can turn ugly if they're not looked after properly. It's a good idea to use a battery charger to make sure that your battery remains fully charged. There are a lot of good chargers out there, smart trickle chargers are handy to keep the battery ticking over and ready for action.
Battery Chargers
Battery Care Guide
Battery Accessories
Batteries & Chargers
Remove your battery and give the terminals a good clean. If it's getting temperamental, invest in a new one. Batteries can be sensitive, like lizards, they like to live in warm dry places and can turn ugly if they're not looked after properly. It's a good idea to use a battery charger to make sure that your battery remains fully charged. There are a lot of good chargers out there, smart trickle chargers are handy to keep the battery ticking over and ready for action.
Battery Chargers
Battery Care Guide
Battery Accessories
Batteries & Chargers
4. If It Moves...
Once you've checked and cleaned your bike, it's time to think about lubricating and oiling everything that needs it. This will protect it from wet weather and condensation and make sure that everything survives the winter in good working order. Lubricate the chain, the cables, the stand – everything that moves lubricate it – apart from the abrasive brake parts obviously. ACF50 anti-corrosion formula is a great protective option for winter maintenance and will prevent corrosion eating the metal during the winter. Check your manual to ensure that you are using the correct lubricant on the correct parts of your bike.
Chain Lubes
Once you've checked and cleaned your bike, it's time to think about lubricating and oiling everything that needs it. This will protect it from wet weather and condensation and make sure that everything survives the winter in good working order. Lubricate the chain, the cables, the stand – everything that moves lubricate it – apart from the abrasive brake parts obviously. ACF50 anti-corrosion formula is a great protective option for winter maintenance and will prevent corrosion eating the metal during the winter. Check your manual to ensure that you are using the correct lubricant on the correct parts of your bike.
Chain Lubes
5. Petrol Emotion
If you're not going to be riding anywhere for a couple of months, oddly, this is the time to fill your tank up and add a fuel stabiliser. This simple tip will stop condensation filling up your half empty tank and creating rust and general gunk from building up in your tank. Take heed though - some bikes are sensitive to fuel going off in the float bowls, so if this could be a problem for your bike you'll need to empty them before you restart your bike.
Fuel Additives
If you're not going to be riding anywhere for a couple of months, oddly, this is the time to fill your tank up and add a fuel stabiliser. This simple tip will stop condensation filling up your half empty tank and creating rust and general gunk from building up in your tank. Take heed though - some bikes are sensitive to fuel going off in the float bowls, so if this could be a problem for your bike you'll need to empty them before you restart your bike.
Fuel Additives
6. Oil's Well!
This is a good time to change the oil, so drain off the old dirty oil which could turn acidic if left in the bike over the winter. Clean or replace the old oil filter and fill the bike with nice clean oil to keep it happy in hibernation.
Service Guide
Oil Guide
Oils Etc
This is a good time to change the oil, so drain off the old dirty oil which could turn acidic if left in the bike over the winter. Clean or replace the old oil filter and fill the bike with nice clean oil to keep it happy in hibernation.
Service Guide
Oil Guide
Oils Etc
7. Cover Model
Choose a good quality motorcycle cover for your bike to keep the snow and rain out (this is also a good security measure)! Cover your bike and try not to leave any entry points for any little critters who might be tempted to overwinter on your bike and munch on cables or seat covers.
Choose a good quality motorcycle cover for your bike to keep the snow and rain out (this is also a good security measure)! Cover your bike and try not to leave any entry points for any little critters who might be tempted to overwinter on your bike and munch on cables or seat covers.
A Stitch In Time...
Saves nine! It might seem boring to have to do all this work on your motorcycle when you aren't even going to be able to ride it for a while, but you will be saving your future self a lot of work. It's far better to leave it safe and correctly stored, with all the proper maintenance done, so that it will not deteriorate over the winter and will be ready to hit the road running when spring arrives.
Saves nine! It might seem boring to have to do all this work on your motorcycle when you aren't even going to be able to ride it for a while, but you will be saving your future self a lot of work. It's far better to leave it safe and correctly stored, with all the proper maintenance done, so that it will not deteriorate over the winter and will be ready to hit the road running when spring arrives.
If you have any winter tips to add just drop us a line at: [email protected] or let us know on Facebook. Thanks!
*Title quote Paul Theroux
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