On 28 September 2014, those magnificent men on their flying machines gather for a global celebration of motorcycling, style, friendship and banter all in aid of giving a two wheeled salute to prostate cancer. In over 250 cities around the world, groups of riders, on all makes and models, will dress dapper and tour the town. This is the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride (DGR), a global phenomenon founded by a bunch of Australian friends in 2012 to offset the downbeat perception often linked to motorcyclists.


Triumph Motorcycles has teamed up with the organisation to play a part in accelerating the global growth of such a fantastic initiative. It’s all about scramblers, café racers, classic-styled bikes and bobbers, and the dapper chaps that own them – regardless of brand. What’s important is having a great ride and raising awareness and as much money as possible to combat a disease that kills one gentlemen every hour somewhere in the world.

The concept of the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride began with a picture of Don Draper from television’s Mad Men.  This picture inspired the café racer aficionado, Mark Hawwa, to think about a Suit Ride in Perth. The idea quickly took off, starting in just one city and then rapidly growing into the global event we know today.

Founder Hawwa explains:
“I wanted to bring together the global café racer and custom scene with some important criteria – dress like a gent, wear open-face lids so we can smile at each other politely and ride a bike with appropriate character. Strict criteria apply. They had to be cafe racers, bobbers, classics, retro and old school charm, with clothes to match,” .

“Our first focus was on fun, but we also wanted to break the stereotypes that society associates with men on bikes whilst also raising funds for men’s health issues. We believe fundraising and wanting to help one another comes from the heart, so we never force a rider to ra ise funds. It‘s a personal choice and we don’t charge those wanting to ride on the event.”

With the 2013 event raising $277,000 (AUS), running in 145 cities in 38 countries, the timing was perfect to bring in a credible global partner who could provide the springboard and infrastructure to deliver the event on an ever growing worldwide basis.

Hawwa comments,
“Triumph is the perfect partner for us, not only because they are an authentic iconic motorcycle brand, but they are approachable, accessible and completely committed to enjoying the ride. Their network of 750 dealers worldwide gives us the perfect base for DGR to continue to be even bigger than I thought possible.”

Director of sales and marketing for Triumph, Paul Stroud, commented:
“The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride is a fantastic activity for us to support, based on riding bikes with friends and enjoying the camaraderie that this entails. Raising money for such a worthwhile cause, on a global basis, only adds to the reasons why we were so keen to be involved. We are looking forward to digging out our tweed and taking part in the ride on 28 September.”

For further information or for the latest DGR updates, please visit or  

information from Triumph press release 15th July 2014
Posted by Lucy England
for Wemoto News on 16 July 2014 in General News



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