There's a motorcycle initiative in the wind, the MCIA is launching a new campaign today the 3rd of June. Its moniker is 'Unlock Your Freedom', and it is an idea which encompasses the entire motorcycle industry and aims to highlight the benefits of scooters and motorcycles as a viable, safe and efficient alternative to public transport.
The government have advised that public transport is to be avoided as much as possible at the current time, due to the fact that social distancing is nigh on impossible if you need to get from A to B on a bus or a train packed full of people trying to get to work. So rather than the alternative of one person in one car causing a traffic jam and a return to the congested traffic nightmare which was ever present in most of our modern cities before lockdown, the MCIA is recommending that we switch to that fleet-footed two-wheeled traffic-beater and automatic social distancer, the motorcycle!
Part of the Solution!
Efficient, environmentally-friendly and a lot cheaper to run than cars, the powered two wheeler is the obvious choice for people as they head back on to the roads. Just a short CBT (Compulsory Basic Training Course) away, and most commuters can hop onto their very own bike and avoid the crowds on their daily commute. They will arrive at their destination sooner and more safely under their own steam and be part of the solution not part of the problem - fewer emissions, better fuel economy, not part of the traffic jam and perfectly socially distanced - ideal!
So the MCIA multi-media Unlock Your Freedom campaign starts today, aiming to help every rider to enjoy their ride and providing them with all the information they need to get out on the road if they are new to two wheels.
To check out the full details of this very welcome campaign head over to the MCIA website.
Back To Work
Alongside the MCIA campaign, many motorcycle dealers are opening up again and joining in the MCIA message to encourage people onto motorcycles by providing folks with great financial and other incentives to give motorcycling a try.
For example, Honda motorcycles have launched a new range of offers labelled its 'Back to Work' initiative. It consists of a range of incentives, covering many models of Honda motorcycle from the biggest cc motorcycles down to the littlest nip-about-town bikes for commuters. The offers contain discounts on new motorcycles (for example £1000 off the new Africa Twin and £500 off all 500cc models and £200 off the 125cc range), training and even motorcycle clothing - all aimed at encouraging people to either upgrade their existing motorcycle or try one out for the first time and sample all the advantages which two wheeled transport offers.
All in all a welcome return to riding for many, with motorcycle dealers and the industry body all offering great reasons to choose a motorcycle!
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