You may already know that MOTs are now going to be extended for 6 months. This is because getting your MOT done on your car or motorcycle is difficult in these days of lockdown and deemed unnecessary contact and non-essential travel for the time being. This new measure takes effect from March the 30th so unfortunately was not applicable to anyone with an MOT is due before the 30th - hopefully that's not too many people.  

So now, after the 30th of March, your MOT will have an extra 6 months to run. But how does this affect your insurance? Not a bit, there's no impact on your insurance as you will still have an in-date MOT when you need to renew it. You can also still to tax your motorcycle as usual as your MOT will be valid. You can check the status of your vehicle, and that your MOT has been extended, in the usual way on the DVLA website: ( )

On The Safe Side

Even without an MOT, It is still your responsibility to keep your motorcycle, or other vehicle, in roadworthy condition though and not neglect all the usual checks, top-ups and maintenance. Bear in mind that you may still be prosecuted if you allow your motorcycle or car to fall into disrepair and become a danger on the road. To help prevent this, garages are currently exempt from closure so that they are there to help if you need any repairs and we at Wemoto are still open to send out any parts you might need to repair or service your bike yourself and keep it in good nick.

In bringing in this legislation, Grant Shapps has recognised that it is vital for some of the workforce to use their vehicles to get to work and it is safer, from an infection point of view, to travel in your own vehicle rather than take public transport. It is also essential that there is a fleet of vehicles out there - many of them motorcycles - to deliver goods to people who are staying at home either because they are vulnerable or ill or simply to stay safe and help to break the chain of infection thus saving lives and hopefully taking some the pressure off the NHS.

The government says:
“Allowing this temporary exemption from vehicle testing will enable vital services such as deliveries to continue, frontline workers to get to work, and people to get essential food and medicine.” The only proviso for riders and drivers is of course that they must not go to a garage if they have any symptoms of coronavirus.

Stay healthy and safe on the road!

Posted by Lucy England
for Wemoto News on 30 March 2020 in General News



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